Winter Allergies You’ve Probably Forgotten About

For millions of allergy sufferers nationwide, the spring and fall seasons are met with a bit of apprehension, as they are known for having higher levels of allergens. But what you might not realize is that your allergies can surface in winter, too! Seasonal allergy sufferers are often surprised to learn that their otherwise warm, cozy shelters in the winter can also harbor allergens. Whether you’ve already experienced allergy symptoms in winter or you want to know how to avoid them this season, these are some common winter allergens to look out for.

Fireplace Smoke

For many people, a wintertime fire is delightful. But for allergy sufferers, it can be frightful! Fireplace smoke is actually a leading trigger of both allergy and asthma symptoms. Itchy eyes, a sore throat, and congestion are common symptoms associated with smoke from fires. Sometimes, smoke exposure can be powerful enough to trigger an allergy or asthma attack. If you can’t resist lighting a fire, make sure the room where the fireplace is located is sufficiently ventilated.

Pet Dander

Many people believe that if they are allergic to animals, it’s the oil or hair that is causing problems. But according to Everyday Health, one common pet allergen is dander, which is dead skin. Like you, pets tend to have drier skin in the colder weather than they do when it is humid. This means they produce more dander, which can easily exacerbate symptoms. Adding to the problem is the fact that when it’s cold, you tend to keep the windows closed, which traps air and reduces circulation. One way to find out for sure if you’re allergic to pet dander is to get allergy testing and then treatment.

Dust Mites

You might be surprised to learn that dust mites are one of the leading causes of allergies in any season, according to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America. Dust mites thrive in warmer temperatures, which means that they will gladly set up camp in your warm, heated home instead of living outdoors when it is cold out.

Is it Allergies or Something Else?

In the winter, you may have trouble determining if you are suffering from allergies, a cold, or even the flu. Fortunately, you can reduce your risk of getting the flu by receiving a flu shot at an allergy doctor in Las Vegas, including Tottori Allergy & Asthma Associates. While the flu and sometimes a cold will cause a fever, you won’t get an elevated temperature with allergies. However, you may still get sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and wheezing. Fast, simple allergy testing can help make a final diagnosis.

When you are feeling under the weather in winter, the cause may surprise you. Seasonal allergies – whether to your pets, your cozy fire, or dust mites – can spring up when you least expect it. An allergist can help you figure out the root cause of your problematic symptoms and offer a solution.