Seasonal Allergies vs. Year-Round Allergies: Understanding the Difference

Seasonal Allergies vs. Year-Round Allergies

Many people are familiar with the term “allergy season,” but allergies can be a year-round problem. Depending on what you’re allergic to, your Las Vegas allergies may flare up temporarily and then subside, or you might have a chronic allergy in all seasons.

What are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are just what they sound like – allergies that happen in a particular season. However, seasonal allergies can occur in any season, not just in fall or spring. Although the specific allergy may vary from one person to the next, seasonal Las Vegas allergies are typically due to outdoor allergens, and they have the same set of symptoms in common:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy throat
  • Sinus pressure
  • Congestion
  • Itchy, watery eyes

Common Spring Allergens

Seasonal Allergies vs. Year-Round Allergies

Some allergies are more common than others in particular seasons. We have compiled a guide to tell you what allergies are the most prevalent during certain times of the year. However, keep in mind that although these allergies may be the most common during a particular season, you may also be allergic to different substances that are not as common. Therefore, in order to get an accurate diagnosis and figure out precisely what you’re allergic to, be sure to schedule an allergy appointment with a Las Vegas allergist.

Many plants, trees, and flowers bloom in the spring, which increases their pollen counts. Pollen produced by plants is especially troublesome, as plant pollen travels quickly on the wind. When pollen becomes airborne and travels, allergy sufferers begin to develop symptoms. While plant and flower allergies can be a problem for allergy sufferers, tree allergies usually first appear in spring. If you notice that you start developing symptoms before other people, and right when the seasons change, you may very well have a tree allergy rather than a plant or flower allergy.

If you live in a warmer climate, such as Las Vegas, you may discover that the trees in your area start producing pollen much earlier than in other parts of the country. In fact, it’s not uncommon for trees in warmer parts of the country to start blooming as early as January! In addition to developing allergies early in the year, you might also find that your allergies seem to stick around. Some allergies might start in the early spring but last for several seasons, which means that without proper management, your allergies may span multiple seasons.

Summer Allergens

Seasonal Allergies

Some of the most prevalent summer allergies are insects, ragweed, and mugwort will start producing pollen in the summer and can continue into the fall.

If you think you might be allergic to ragweed, you may very well be correct, as ragweed is one of the most common summer allergens. Ragweed is an allergen that is found across the country. In fact, it appears in 49 out of 50 states! And regardless of whether ragweed starts out in your state, it can travel easily across state lines for hundreds of miles. That means if you do have a ragweed allergy, controlling your symptoms may not be as easy as simply keeping your own property ragweed-free. If you think you have a ragweed allergy, book an appointment with an allergy doctor in Las Vegas to get an accurate allergy test and learn how to properly manage your symptoms.

It is important to note that along with plants, trees, and flowers, summer allergies can also be caused exclusively by insects. There are some insects that are more active than others during the summer months, including:

  • Bees
  • Wasps

The allergic reactions that people get from these insects may range from mild to severe. The insects involved in summer allergies can bite or sting, which can cause various reactions in people. Summertime insects usually build nests in hidden locations such as walls, crevices, trees, and bushes. If you know that you have a summertime allergy to a particular insect, or even if you suspect you do, it’s best to take precautionary measures to avoid interacting with that insect.

Even if you don’t have summertime allergies, you may be allergic to substances that appear in the fall! Two of the most prevalent in this season are mold and ragweed. If your allergy symptoms start in the spring and continue on into the next season, you may very well have a ragweed allergy. However, if you suspect that’s the case, you will want to schedule an appointment for allergy testing to determine what type of allergy you have and learn how to manage your symptoms.

Along with ragweed, mold is a common allergy that appears in summer. Temperature change during the fall months tends to bring damper conditions. These damp conditions are perfect territory for mold, which can carry on the wind and disperse in various areas. Along with traveling significant distances, mold spores can also cause allergy symptoms to develop in the fall and even carry over into the winter months. The added disadvantage of these allergies is that the spores can spread during the summer months but survive into the winter, which means that the fall allergies you experience can easily last into the winter.

Winter Allergens

In the winter months, you might get a break from seasonal allergies. Unfortunately, that is not always the case! Winter allergies may originate from fall allergies, but they can be attributed to other sources that emerge during the colder months. Pollen usually subsides during this time, which means you’re less likely to suffer from a pollen-related allergies in the winter. But there are other allergens that might crop up and cause bad symptoms. Winter allergies are commonly linked to a variety of sources, including pet dander, mold, mildew, and dust mites.

How to Beat Winter Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

While you have some options for avoiding allergen exposure during the warmer spring and summer months, it can be much more problematic to ditch your allergies inside during the winter months. Fortunately, a Las Vegas allergist can help you determine if you are likely to be suffering from winter allergies or otherwise determine that you have other seasonal allergies instead.

If you think you have seasonal allergies, there are some precautions that you can take to mitigate symptoms. One is to wash your bedding in hot water and dry it in the dryer. Leaving your shoes in the entry also helps avoid dust, and wiping surfaces with rags can help reduce dust and pet dander. Contacting a doctor for allergy testing will also help.

Year-Round Allergies

Just as some allergies occur in certain seasons, others may appear throughout the year. Some of the most common year-round allergies are dust and dust mites. Pet dander is another common year-round allergy, and you might also suffer from mold allergies.

If you suspect that you have an allergy and want the proper testing and advice, let us know!

If you’re looking for the “best allergist near me” for allergy testing or a diagnosis, make an appointment at Tottori Allergy and Asthma by calling (702) 240-4233 or schedule an appointment online.

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