Nothing to Sneeze At! 10 Ways to Treat Seasonal Allergies 

Las Vegas allergies

For many people, the spring season’s arrival means warmer weather, longer days, and beautiful flowers. But for people who suffer from Las Vegas allergies, springtime may also be anticipated with dread. All the pollen and other allergens that accompany spring can make allergy sufferers miserable. Fortunately, however, there are options to get your allergies under control so that you too can enjoy the season. 


Get Tested for Allergies 


 If you think you may have allergies, but you’re not entirely sure, it helps to know the most common allergy symptoms. 


  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Itchy throat and sinuses
  • Ear and nasal congestion
  • Postnasal drip 


 Occasionally, you may also experience respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath. Respiratory symptoms are most commonly associated with hay fever, which is frequently linked to asthma. 


 If you notice the symptoms above, be sure to contact an allergy specialist. Your doctor can perform allergy testing to help identify exactly which allergens you are reacting to, which in turn can help with symptom management. 


Time Your Outdoor Activities 


 When your allergens come out in the spring, timing your outdoor activities to avoid the worst offenders can help keep your allergy symptoms under control. If you can, save the yard work such as lawn mowing, weeding, and other chores that kick up allergens until peak times have passed for the substances you are allergic to. If you need to take care of chores in the yard, consider wearing a mask or other facial covering to minimize allergy exposure risk. 


Las Vegas allergiesTake Precautions When Pollen Counts are High 


 Time of day can also have an impact on how severe your allergy symptoms are. If you’re planning to spend time outside on a particular day, tune in to your local radio station, television network, or news source to check the local pollen counts and forecasts. Keep the doors and windows closed when pollen counts are expected to be highest, and limit your outdoor activities to better times of the day when pollen counts fall. 


Keep Indoor Air Clean 


 Although there are no particular products or solutions that can completely rid your home of allergens, you can take some simple steps to reduce the volume of seasonal allergens in your home. If you are running forced air in spring, keep up with regular maintenance to ensure your system is circulating purified air, and use highly efficient filters. On warmer days, try using the air conditioning rather than opening windows in your home and car. You can use a dehumidifier indoors and install a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your vacuum cleaner before cleaning the floors. You may also want to get an air purifier with a HEPA filter for your bedroom. 


Dry Clothes and Linens Indoors 


 While you may be tempted to dry your clothes outdoors on a warm, sunny spring day, doing so can make your allergies worse. Allergens such as pollen can ultimately stick to your clothes, bedding, and other household items such as towels. In the midst of the spring allergy season, it’s better to dry your clothes indoors using the dryer instead. 


Close the Car Windows 


 Similarly, the thought of driving around with the car windows rolled down is appealing to many people when spring arrives. However, allergens can easily make their way into your vehicle and exacerbate your allergy symptoms. 


Over-the-Counter Remedies Las Vegas allergies


 Depending on the type and severity of the symptoms you are experiencing from Las Vegas allergies, you may benefit from over-the-counter remedies, such as: 


  • Decongestants
  • Nasal Spray
  • Antihistamines 


 Decongestants are generally available as oral and nasal medications. Oral decongestants may temporarily alleviate nasal congestion and a runny nose. Nasal decongestants can also be a good option for relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. However, if you’re using nasal decongestants, be aware that they should only be used for a short period of time. Long-term nasal decongestant use can actually make your symptoms worse, which is a phenomenon called rebound congestion. 


 Nasal sprays are a popular choice for allergy symptom relief because they are easy to use and often don’t have major side effects. However, nasal sprays are most effective if you start to use them before the onset of your seasonal allergy symptoms. 


 Antihistamines can be used to control symptoms related to seasonal allergies. They are most often used to alleviate watery eyes, itchiness in the eyes and throat, and a runny nose. 


Sinus Rinse 


 A sinus rinse can also be a good way to alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms. A sinus rinse, also called nasal irrigation, is an inexpensive way to reduce nasal congestion quickly. Rinsing out your nasal passages removes mucus, and in turn allergens, from your nose. Nasal irrigation is available in two common forms called a neti pot or a squeeze bottle. Both can be purchased from a pharmacy. The neti pot should be sterile, distilled, and either cooled, boiled or filtered for sanitation. Be sure to rinse the neti pot after every use to keep it clean and leave it out in the open air to dry. 


Las Vegas allergiesAllergy Shots 


 An allergy specialist administers allergy shots. Generally, you’ll get repeat doses over the course of 3-5 years. Your allergist will gradually increase the amount of allergen you are exposed to build up your immunity and reduce or eliminate your allergy symptoms. If you’re wondering, “where can I get an allergy shot in Las Vegas?” don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Tottori’s office for assistance. 

 To find relief from your asthma and Las Vegas allergies this spring, contact Dr. Tottori’s office for relief. You can make an appointment online or by calling (702) 240 4233.