Fighting Asthma in the Las Vegas Winter

A girl using an inhalerAs we approach the peak of our valley’s winter season, we fast approach the cold and flu season. Asthmatics may experience this time of year especially stressful because of how asthma can be affected by the flu, cold weather, and colds. I recommend the following tips for fighting your asthma this winter.

Stay indoors: If possible, try to minimize outdoor related activities, such as exercise. There are several active activities that our valley offers during winter. I personally recommend indoor golf ranges.

Watch your health: There is great value in taking care of yourself. Specifically, get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat healthy. Practicing good living habits may lessen the risk to get a cold or upper respiratory infection which could affect your asthma.

Stay on your medication: Use your prescribed medication every day as directed. Routinely dosing on your asthma medicine will help maintain your lung function and reduce the risks of having an attack during the day.

Keep warm: Temperatures in Las Vegas can dramatically drop within hours. Keeping warm can help to warm the air before it enters your lungs, therefore lessening your risk of an attack.
If you or someone you know has asthma and needs to be seen during the winter, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today. As always, I wish well and good health.

David H. Tottori, M.D.