Common Allergies for Children

Common Allergies for Children

Most Common Allergies for Children

Like adults, children can have allergies, and those allergies can start from the minute they are born. Children are most likely to develop skin allergies such as eczema or food allergies earlier in life, while seasonal allergies are more likely to develop later. While any child is at risk of developing allergies, they are even more common among children with a family member who also has allergies. If your child is showing symptoms of allergies, you’ll want to first determine if the issue is allergies or another ailment like a cold or the flu. If you are not sure, a Las Vegas allergist and testing can help make the determination.

Causes of Allergies

Several factors can cause allergies, but one of the biggest causes is genetics. If one parent has an allergy, the child is 25 percent more likely to develop an allergy. If both parents have an allergy, the child is 50 percent more likely to have an allergy. Environmental factors can also cause allergies. While the likelihood of a child developing an allergy increases if an allergy runs in the family, the child won’t necessarily have the same allergies as the parents. They simply develop a higher likelihood of developing any allergy at all. 

Common Allergies for Children

Allergies or a Cold?

Some symptoms are commonly shared between allergies and the common cold or flu, such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. It can sometimes be hard to tell if your child is sick or suffering from allergies. However, one distinguishing factor makes it easy to tell if your child has a cold or allergies. A fever is a telltale sign of a cold, but a fever will not appear if your child has allergies. 

 If your child has food allergies, he or she may develop a different set of symptoms. Food allergies typically present with vomiting, hives, a rash, and GI discomfort. If a child has severe allergies, he or she may also be at risk of going into shock, which is a medical emergency that needs to be treated quickly. 

Common Allergies in Children

Some of the most common allergies in children are food allergies. Specifically, milk and milk products, eggs, tree nuts, and peanuts are responsible for many childhood allergies. Children may also be allergic to products in your household such as cleaning supplies, perfumes, smoke, and fumes. 

 Children may develop outdoor or indoor allergies. 

Outdoor Allergies

  • Pollen
  • Insect Stings
  • Insect Bites

 Indoor Allergies 

  • Pet Dander
  • Dust Mites
  • Mold

 If you suspect that your child may have Las Vegas allergies, you should consult a specialist who can perform allergy testing to determine if your child has allergies, and if so, to what item. Once allergies are determined, the child’s allergy doctor will prescribe treatment to ensure the child’s safety and comfort. 

Common Allergies for Children

Relieving Allergy Symptoms

There are several steps that parents can take to help alleviate their child’s allergy symptoms, mainly if the symptoms are related to environmental allergies and pollen allergies. It’s important to note that any severe allergic reactions, such as food allergies, can be managed with home care. Still, you should always consult a professional for managing more severe allergies that can result in life-threatening complications. 

Bathing and Cleansing 

Taking a bath is always nice, but if a bath can help alleviate allergy symptoms, even better! Parents who want to help their children find relief from allergy symptoms can regularly schedule baths to help their children naturally reduce their allergy symptoms. Arranging a bath before bedtime each evening is a great way to relax and reduce allergy exposure. Giving your child or toddler a bath at night will also help wash away any dyes or perfumes that may be on his or her skin and produce allergic reactions.

Common Allergies for Children


It might seem that what goes into the body is the most crucial factor when it comes to allergies, but what goes on the skin can make a huge difference, too. Doing the laundry, which ordinarily seems like such an innocent task, can significantly affect the allergens that your child encounters. When you wash your child’s clothing, you will need to be particularly careful if your child has an allergy. If your child is prone to skin rashes or has eczema, look for a clear detergent free of dyes and scents. It also helps to put the laundry through another rinse cycle to help wash out any allergens and contaminants. Also, be sure to dry the clothes inside on a hanger or in a dryer. Otherwise, the wind will blow pollen and other seasonal allergens onto the clothes, which can stick to them if they are hanging outside a clothesline.

Common Allergies for Children


When your child has allergies, cleaning doesn’t just have to be (and shouldn’t be) reserved just for spring. Instead, cleaning should be scheduled periodically to rid the home of allergens and help alleviate your child’s symptoms. The floors, rugs, and bedroom should be cleaned exceptionally well. Along with cleaning the interior, you should also clean your vehicle’s floor mats and interior if your child spends much time in the car. Along with cleaning the bedroom, you should wash the pillows and mattress covers at least once every month. The pillows should be replaced every two or three years. Keep in mind that children who develop allergies early on are more likely to develop asthma later on. 

Getting Treatment for Pediatric Allergies

Allergies can range from miserable for a child to downright miserable. Your child may develop several allergy symptoms that range from skin problems to GI distress and more serious shock-like symptoms. If it appears that your child has allergies, you’ll want to get testing and treatment as soon as possible. If you find yourself asking, “where can I find an allergist near me?” let Dr. Tottori assist. You can easily schedule an appointment with Dr. Tottori by visiting our website or calling (702) 240 4233 today.

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Most Common Allergies for Children