Like adults, children can suffer from Las Vegas allergies. Allergy symptoms in children may range from mild to severe. Children may develop allergies at any time, including seasonal allergies, food allergies, and environmental allergies. If you think that your child might have allergies, contact a Las Vegas allergist for a diagnosis and treatment.
What to Know About Allergies in Children
Studies estimate that allergies affect about 35-40% of children, and that number has grown in recent years. Some children have a genetic predisposition for developing allergies, while others can acquire an allergy randomly. Children’s immune systems may react adversely to irritants, infections, and allergens in the atmosphere. They may develop allergies to a number of substances, including dietary and inhalant allergies. Depending on the substance your child is allergic to, they may present differing symptoms, including respiratory, gastrointestinal (GI), cold or flu-like symptoms. Since allergies can be challenging to pinpoint and diagnose, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for allergy testing as soon as possible.
What are the chances of children developing allergies?
The chances of a child developing allergies largely depends on genetics, along with environmental factors. Approximately 30-35% of children have an allergy. That number increases to about 50% in children with at least one parent who has an allergy, and it increases to 80% in children when both parents have allergies. Children who have an allergy are inclined to develop immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to many ordinary items. If those children are repeatedly exposed to those allergens, they may develop an immediate adverse reaction followed by an inflammatory response. If your child starts developing symptoms of an allergy and you think it’s time for allergy testing, contact Tottori Allergy and Asthma to get help for pediatric immunology.
When do allergies develop?
Depending on the child and genetics, allergies or an allergic tendency may be present before the child is born! Before a child is born, they may be exposed to potential allergens in the womb. After birth, those exposures are more common and frequent, affecting the child’s immune system. It is worth noting that allergies and asthma are often linked. If a child develops allergies, they are more likely to end up with asthma.
Distinguishing Allergies from Illness
Allergy symptoms commonly resemble symptoms of illnesses, such as colds, the flu, and even pneumonia. Some symptoms overlap between allergies and other illnesses.
Symptoms exclusive to illnesses:
- Fever
- Duration
- Random patterns
A telltale sign that your child is suffering from an illness rather than a cold is if they develop a fever. A fever is common with a cold, the flu, or other illnesses, but does not appear in allergies. Duration is another way to distinguish between allergies and illnesses. Food allergy symptoms develop suddenly, usually within a few hours after a child consumes food that they are allergic to and environmental allergies may appear suddenly and last more than a week. Seasonal allergies are usually easy to diagnose because they return at the same time each year but then disappear when the allergen is gone.
What are common allergy symptoms?’
Although allergy symptoms differ among children, these are the most common:
- Sniffling and nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Itchy, watery eyes
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Irritated throat
- Nasal drainage
Along with the symptoms above, your child may have severe environmental allergies symptoms that include:
- Hives
- Itchy, red skin
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Headache
Your child may develop more severe allergy symptoms that affect their respiratory system. Children who start wheezing or complain of difficulty breathing at certain times of the year may have asthma, which is correlated with allergies but tends to affect the lungs instead of the entire body. The two are strongly linked, so a child with allergies may have asthma. If you think your child may have asthma, booking an appointment with a Las Vegas allergist as soon as possible is a good idea for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. An allergist will help manage your child’s symptoms so they can safely enjoy an active lifestyle while keeping their allergy and asthma symptoms under control.
Food Allergies in Children
Along with environmental allergies, children may have food allergies. Food allergies can produce more severe symptoms than environmental allergies, so it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for allergy testing if you suspect that your child has a food allergy. Food allergies in children vary, but allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, and soy products are common offenders. Children with a parent or sibling with a food allergy face a greater risk of developing an allergy. For children born to parents with food allergies, an allergist will likely recommend a specific, controlled diet for a set period of time. For instance, infants may be prescribed a single-ingredient diet for the first six months which allows doctors to monitor the child’s reaction to any new food. Doctors will likely permit a multi-food diet if the child tolerates a new food.
Preventing and Controlling Allergy and Asthma Reactions
Even if your child shows signs of Las Vegas allergies or asthma, it is possible to take steps at home to reduce the likelihood of exposure and adverse reactions. If your child suffers from environmental allergies, sweeping or vacuuming the floor regularly, washing clothing and bedding, and running an air conditioning system during allergy season can help mitigate symptoms. If your child has a food allergy, notify their teachers and staff at school to prevent cross-contamination and exposure.
You can make an appointment at Tottori Allergy and Asthma by calling (702) 240-4233 or by booking an appointment online.